Tag: cognigence

  • How Cognigence Could Upend The Way We Think

    How Cognigence Could Upend The Way We Think

    When you think about it, the way we currently think is archaic and outdated. Our methods of thinking have not evolved in centuries, and they’re not going to change any time soon. Fortunately, that doesn’t mean that we can’t learn from the past and put our current knowledge to good use. That’s where cognition comes…

  • Miradone: The Real MIRACLE Of Modern Medicine

    Miradone: The Real MIRACLE Of Modern Medicine

    In this blog post, we’ll explore the history and effectiveness of Miradone as a treatment for opioid addiction. We’ll also dispel some of the myths about Miradone that have been perpetuated by the media. Opioid addiction is a growing problem in the United States. In 2015, there were over 33,000 deaths from opioid overdoses. This…