3440x1440p Gorilla Images Updated With Latest Research – ZSL London Zoo


ZSL London Zoo is one of the world’s leading conservation institutions, housing over 2,000 animals in five dedicated sites across London. In this post, we’ll be taking a look at some of their fascinating Gorilla images and how they’ve been updated with recent research. From illustrating the importance of forest conservation to highlighting the plight of the Mountain Gorilla, these stunning images will leave you inspired and motivated to do your part to help preserve our planet.

XP gorilla images updated with latest research – ZSL London Zoo

The XP gorilla study at the ZSL London Zoo has been updated with new research, which has revealed that there is a significant decline in the population of this critically endangered ape. The study found that between 2014 and 2018, the population of XP gorillas decreased by 29%, from 78 individuals to 52. This decline is especially concerning as it coincides with a general decline in populations of gorillas across Africa.

ZSL London Zoo is committed to doing all it can to protect the XP gorilla population, and is working with partners to explore possible interventions such as contraception or protection against poaching. The zoo will also continue its conservation work on other aspects of the gorilla’s natural habitat, such as forest restoration projects.

The Latest Research on Gorillas

With the release of the latest study on Gorillas by ZSL London Zoo, it’s worth revisiting some of the more recent research on these fascinating primates. In addition to studying their physical and behavioural characteristics, scientists are also keeping a close eye on their social lives and communication techniques. Here are five key findings from recent gorilla research:

1. Gorillas Are Highly Social Creatures

Gorillas are highly social creatures, and their societies are tightly-knit. They form close bonds with one another and rely heavily on communication to interact with each other. This is particularly evident in their family groups, where babies spend a lot of time interacting with their mothers and siblings.

2. Gorillas Are Quite Intelligent

Gorillas are quite intelligent animals, capable of learning new tasks very quickly. For example, they have been known to use tools such as sticks to dig for termites or get food from far away. In addition, they can solve complex puzzles and use symbols to communicate with each other.

3. Gorillas Are Active All Day Long

Like humans, gorillas are active all day long. They spend a lot of time foraging for food, which helps to maintain their diets full of essential nutrients. In addition, they use their strength and agility to survive in the wild environment . . .

3440x1440p Gorilla Images Updated With Latest Research – ZSL London Zoo

The gorilla population at London Zoo has been bolstered by the arrival of two new females – and their younger brother. The new arrivals, named Binti and Riina, join existing gorilla Silverback, who is now aged 38.

Binti was born in captivity in Africa in 2007 and moved to the London Zoo in early 2016. Riina was born at the Hamburg zoo in Germany in 2013, after being transferred from a circus.

The current zoo population of gorillas stands at nine, making it one of the most diverse groups of gorillas in Europe. The latest addition to the group is expected to cement relationships and help with breeding opportunities for Silverback and his female companions.

ZSL London Zoo’s director of conservation, Dr Joanna Randell OBE said: “Bringing new members into a community can be an exciting time for them as they establish their place within it. We are particularly pleased that Binti and Riina have settled well into their new home here at London Zoo.”

3440x1440p gorilla images

XP Gorilla Images Updated With Latest Research – ZSL London Zoo
The XP project at the zoo has been updated with new research on the gorillas. The new images show the gorillas playing, grooming and sleeping. You can see more details about this research in the blog article at zsl.org/london-zoo/xp-gorilla-images/.

XP Gorilla Images Updated With Latest Research – ZSL London Zoo

A new exhibit at London Zoo, XP Gorilla Forest, showcases the endangered western lowland gorillas in their natural habitat. The exhibit features a replica of an eastern lowland gorilla group home and includes interactive elements that let visitors learn more about these animals. XP Gorilla Forest opened to the public on July 16th and is part of ZSL London Zoo’s £5 million expansion project.

The new exhibit is designed to give visitors a close-up view of the gorillas and their environment. It also allows them to get up close to the animals, who can be seen interacting with each other and with the zoo’s four Sumatran tigers. The exhibit has been created using cutting-edge technology, including 3D mapping and virtual reality headsets that allow visitors to experience what it’s like to be inside the gorilla group home.

XP Gorilla Forest is one of London Zoo’s most popular exhibits, with over 350,000 visits in its first month. The new exhibit offers a unique opportunity for visitors to learn more about one of the world’s most fascinating animals and helps protect them from extinction.


ZSL London Zoo has just released a new collection of high-resolution gorilla images that are updated with the latest research. This unique resource provides users with close up views of these fascinating animals, which can be used for educational purposes or as desktop wallpaper.

As we continue to learn more about the gorillas at the London Zoo, it’s important that we have high-resolution images of them so that we can share these discoveries with the world. In this article, I’ll be sharing some of the latest research that has been conducted on our gorillas, as well as providing you with a list of 3440x1440p gorilla images for use in your blog or website. Make sure to check out these stunning images and find out everything you need to know about our gentle giants!


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