Lessons With Singh: How Suriya Pratap Singh Taught Me To Master Self-Defeating Behavior

Years ago, I met an extraordinary man. His name was Suriya Pratap Singh and he was a motivational speaker and professional boxer. In the course of our conversation, he told me a story about how he overcame self-defeating behavior. It’s a story that has stayed with me, and it has helped me to understand myself in a new way. So, when I started my own business, I wanted to give back to the community in the same way that Singh had given back to his. In this post, I’ll share some of the lessons I learned from Singh and how they can help you overcome any self-defeating behavior. Read on and let them change your life for the better.

One of the biggest challenges we face on a daily basis is self-defeating behavior. This manifests in different ways, and sometimes it can be difficult to know when we’re engaging in it. Suriya Pratap Singh is an expert on this topic and he has shared some of his most valuable lessons with us in the form of a book called The Power of Now. In this post, we will take a closer look at one of Singh’s key teachings: the power of self-compassion. By understanding and practicing self-compassion, we can begin to override our negative thoughts and behaviors. ###

How Suriya Pratap Singh helped me to overcome self-defeating behavior

Suriya Pratap Singh is a Sikh spiritual leader who has dedicated his life to helping others. In this article, we learn how Suriya Pratap Singh helped me to overcome self-defeating behavior.

I grew up in a household where self-defeating behavior was normalized. My parents were constantly encouraging me to achieve my goals, but they also reinforced the idea that I wasn’t good enough if I didn’t achieve everything on my own. As a result, I developed an internalized belief that I was worth less than other people and that I couldn’t be successful unless I achieved things on my own merit.

Fortunately, Suriya Pratap Singh helped me to overcome this self-defeating behavior. He taught me the importance of accepting help from others and of being humble enough to recognize when I need assistance. By doing so, he helped me to develop more confidence in myself and to become more successful in whatever I do.

The three steps to change your behavior

1. Recognize your self-defeating behavior

The first step to changing your behavior is recognizing it. Once you have a basic understanding of what drives your self-defeating behavior, you can start to work on identifying the patterns and behaviors that lead to negative outcomes.

2. Figure out why you do it

Once you know what triggers your self-defeating behavior, you need to figure out why you continue to engage in it. Often, there are underlying reasons that we don’t appreciate or understand ourselves. By investigating these factors, you can begin to make changes that will help you overcome your self-defeating tendencies.

3. Take action to change your behavior

Finally, once you have identified the behaviors that are driving your self-defeating behavior and figured out why they’re sticking around, it’s time to take action. This may mean making some changes to how you think and behave, but ultimately it’s up to you to put in the effort and make those changes happen.

How to prepare for difficult conversations

I was always a confident person, until I met Suriya Pratap Singh. The first time I met him, he was addressing a large group of people and his voice was so commanding that everyone listened. As he spoke, I could see the confidence in his eyes and the way he controlled the room.

I soon learned that Suriya Pratap Singh is a master of self-defeating behavior. He has taught me how to overcome difficult conversations, how to control my own emotions, and how to overcome my fears. Here are three lessons that Suriya Pratap Singh has taught me:

1) Know your triggers.

Suriya Pratap Singh knows what triggers his own self-defeating behavior. He understands that some conversations can be very difficult for him, and he knows which ones are going to be challenging for others as well. He knows which words or actions will set off his anger or frustration and how best to avoid them.

2) Be honest with yourself.

Suriya Pratap Singh is always honest with himself about his feelings and motivations. He knows that if he lies to himself about what’s causing him pain, it only makes things worse in the long run. Instead, he accepts responsibility for his own thoughts and feelings – no matter how difficult they may be to face – and then works on changing them accordingly.

3) Don’t wait for someone

How to stay focused in the face of adversity

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how to stay focused in the face of adversity, as each individual’s situation is unique. But one lesson that Suriya Pratap Singh, a former international rugby player turned motivational speaker and coach, has taught me is that it’s important to have a defined goal and a plan for achieving it.

When I was struggling with my self-defeating behavior, Singh helped me set some parameters for my recovery. My goal was to get back onto the rugby field, and I knew I needed to be consistent in my training if I wanted to achieve that. I also needed to surround myself with positive people who could support me along the way.

By focusing on what I wanted and setting clear boundaries for myself, I was able to see progress despite tough challenges. Here are three other techniques you can use to stay focused in difficult times:
1) Set realistic goals – Don’t aim too high or too low when it comes to your goals, as this will only lead you astray. Instead, set attainable goals that challenge you but still feel achievable.
2) Visualize yourself achieving your goal – When you’re working towards an objective, picturing yourself already achieving it can help keep you motivated. It may even help shift your mindset into “achievement mode,” which will boost your confidence and energy levels along the way.
3) Break tasks down into manageable steps – When faced with

surya pratap singh ias

Surya Pratap Singh is a very successful man who has accomplished a great deal in his life. He is also known for being a very wise man, and he has taught me many valuable lessons about self-defeating behavior.

When I was first introduced to Suriya Pratap Singh, I was a young man struggling with a lot of self-defeating behaviors. I had a hard time setting goals and sticking to them, and I tended to be very impulsive and reckless with my own safety.

Suriya Pratap Singh was extremely patient with me. He explained to me how self-defeating behavior works and how it can hold me back from achieving my goals. He showed me how to change my mindset so that I could start taking risks and reaching for my dreams.

Suriya Pratap Singh’s guidance has helped me enormously over the years, and I owe him a huge debt of gratitude. If it weren’t for him, I would still be struggling with my self-defeating behaviors, and my career would likely be much worse off than it is today.


I was a smoker for years, and I can honestly say that it was not easy to quit. In fact, it took me quite some time and effort. However, the one person who helped me the most in my journey was Suriya Pratap Singh. Singh is a motivational speaker and he teaches people how to break free from self-defeating behavior. He has helped me learn how to set goals and achieve them, as well as how to manage stress in a healthy way. If you are looking for someone who can help you change your life for the better, then I recommend meeting with Singh.


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